This template works with flexbox because the library conflicts with GRID.

The separation is in PX because the library works with PX, to change the GAP you must do it from Mansory code (line 48: gutter: 15). If you change the GAPs remember to modify the width of the Card block.

Remember to enable code execution


The Benefits of Mindfullness for Mental Health

The Benefits of Mindfullness for Mental Health

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Feeling overwhelmed? Mindfulness might be your new best friend! By practicing mindfulness, you can reduce stress, enhance focus, and boost…

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How to Choose the Right Supplement for Weight Loss

How to Choose the Right Supplement for Weight Loss

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Choosing the right weight loss supplement can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! Start by reading reviews, checking…

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Best Supplements for Overall Health in 2025

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Hey there, health enthusiasts! As we step into 2025, it’s time to refuel our wellness routines. From vitamin D for…

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Looking to tone your arms? Incorporating weights into your routine can make all the difference! Try exercises like bicep curls,…

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weight loss for older individuals

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Losing weight as we age can be challenging, but it’s possible with the right approach. Focus on balanced meals, regular…

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If you’re struggling with lower back pain, gentle workouts can help! Focus on stretching, strengthening your core, and improving flexibility.…

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