This template works with flexbox because the library conflicts with GRID.

The separation is in PX because the library works with PX, to change the GAP you must do it from Mansory code (line 48: gutter: 15). If you change the GAPs remember to modify the width of the Card block.

Remember to enable code execution


The Best Foods to Eat Before and After Workouts

The Best Foods to Eat Before and After Workouts

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Fueling your body right before and after workouts is key! Before hitting the gym, grab a banana or a scoop…

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Get Your Fitness Rolling in 2025 with This Workout PLan for Beginners at Home

Get Your Fitness Rolling in 2025 with This Workout Plan for Beginners at Home

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Ready to kickstart your fitness journey in 2025? This beginner-friendly home workout plan is perfect for you! With simple exercises…

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<script src=""></script>

// Selecciona el elemento HTML que quieres observar
const targetElement = document.querySelector('.fb-masonry');

// Opciones de la observación
const observerOptions = {
  childList: true, // Observar cambios en los hijos del elemento
  subtree: true    // Observar todos los niveles de hijos

// Función de devolución de llamada para cuando se detecten cambios
const callback = function(mutationsList, observer) {
    for(const mutation of mutationsList) {
        if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
            // Vuelve a ejecutar el script de Masonry cuando se añadan o eliminen elementos

// Crear una instancia del MutationObserver con la función de devolución de llamada
const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);

// Comienza a observar el elemento target con las opciones dadas
observer.observe(targetElement, observerOptions);

// Función para ejecutar el script de Masonry
function executeMasonryScript() {
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        itemSelector: '.fb-pcard-one',
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// Ejecutar el script de Masonry al inicio

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      const stickyElementTop = parseInt('px', ''));

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   = `${stickyElementTop + currPos - window.scrollY}px`;
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      currPos = window.scrollY;

    function stickyElementToMe() { = `${topGap}px`;

    function updateSticky() {
      screenHeight = window.innerHeight;
      stickyElementHeight = stickyElement.offsetHeight;

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      window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
        currPos = window.scrollY;

      document.addEventListener('scroll', updateSticky, {
        capture: true,
        passive: true
    }, 1000);

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