This template works with flexbox because the library conflicts with GRID.

The separation is in PX because the library works with PX, to change the GAP you must do it from Mansory code (line 48: gutter: 15). If you change the GAPs remember to modify the width of the Card block.

Remember to enable code execution


workouts for more toned shoulders

workouts for more toned shoulders

Reading Time: 5:23 min

Looking to sculpt those shoulders? Incorporate exercises like shoulder presses, lateral raises, and front raises into your routine. Aim for…

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how to “un-big” your back

how to “un-big” your back

Reading Time: 10:25 min

Feeling like your back is a little too broad? Let’s “un-big” it! Focus on posture by sitting up straight and…

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workouts for more toned back

workouts for more toned back

Reading Time: 10:4 min

Looking to sculpt a more toned back? Incorporate exercises like rows, lat pull-downs, and deadlifts into your routine. These moves…

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workouts for lower abs

Stubborn Lower Belly Fat? Try These Workouts for Lower Abs

Reading Time: 10:35 min

Looking to strengthen your lower abs? Incorporate exercises like leg raises, reverse crunches, and planks into your routine. These moves…

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popular weight loss pills

The Internet Is Going Crazy Over These Popular Weight Loss Pills

Reading Time: 10:2 min

When it comes to weight loss, many people consider popular pills as a quick fix. While some may boost metabolism…

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drawbacks of weight loss medications

Massive Drawbacks of Weight Loss Medications

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While weight loss medications can offer a helping hand, they come with drawbacks. Side effects like nausea or dizziness can…

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these weight loss pills actually work

Tired of Gimmicks? These Weight Loss Pills Actually Work

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With so many weight loss pills on the market, it can be hard to know which ones actually work. Recent…

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workouts for bigger calves

Ditch the Chicken Legs: Breaking Down Workouts for Bigger Calves

Reading Time: 9:50 min

Looking to bulk up those calves? Incorporate exercises like standing and seated calf raises, as well as jump rope sessions,…

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workouts for more toned biceps

Unbelievably Simple Workouts for More Toned Biceps

Reading Time: 10:36 min

Looking to sculpt more toned biceps? Incorporate a mix of exercises like curls, chin-ups, and hammer lifts into your routine.…

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